My First Lab DUO-SCOPE
  • Manufacturer: C & A Scientific
  • Mfr. Cat. # MFL06
  • Brand Name: C & A Scientific
Lab Supply » Microscopes and Supplies » Student and Childrens Microscopes

My First Lab DUO-SCOPE

Medix Item Code: CMF-0006

$126.25 per Ea.

List Price: $166.00

You Save: $39.75 (24%)

Size: 1 Ea.

  • 10X Eyepiece, 4X, 10X, 40X Objectives
  • 40X, 100X, 400X Magnification
  • Real optical lenses
  • 2 LED lights, above and below

You would need two instruments to view what this one does--a basic biological scope to look at specimens on a slide (light shines up from under the slide and through the tissue) and a traditional stereo or dissecting microscope to view solid objects at lower power (light shines down onto the specimen to be observed). This new Duo Scope with dual lighting allows for both types of applications! Cordless battery power makes it portable for field study. Priced to fit any budget with the same fine quality as our other scopes.

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